Saturday, September 27, 2008

I swear I'm alive!!

Ok, dead computer + moving apartments + working 2 jobs = no time to blog!!!

I'm currently at Brian's (old boss) using his computer and watching him change my oil and spark plugs...oh and trying to fix my leaky power steering fluid. I hope he can! Thank goodness for Brian.

Let's see....definitely have no motivation to work out as of late. I've worked out 3 times since IM (officially tomorrow, it will be 4 weeks!!) All 3 times I have lifted weights. The only cardio I've done is I ran around the track 3 times last night with my client....FYI that's less than a half mile. Oh, I did run while I was in Denver, and almost died. Elevation + post ironman = bad run.

Other than that, I'm still job searching for something better than what I'm currently doing, however with the terrible economy, this is proving very difficult. I'm trying to unpack my apartment. That's all I have time for. UGH.


Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Glad you finally got a new apartment! I'm guessing you got an extension on the old one since you were supposed to be out right after IM?
Good luck with the job hunt. I'm sure something terrific will come up at just the right time.
Don't worry, I'm still feeling like post-IM crap too. And the chest congestion funk I had last week, along with the head cold I picked up this week, haven't helped.

Eileen Swanson said...

Good luck! You will find something you like soon! Hang in there,


Courtney Staton said...

how about adding "getting ready to fly to KC for Corky'/s wedding?" eek!!!

anyway, at least we're jobless together. actually, for once, I think you're technicially more employed than I am. :)