Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Conversations with a gas station attendant

Last Saturday was my last HUGE workout before IM. It consisted of a 45 min swim, 6 hour bike, and a 45 min run. My own little triathlon.

Went for my swim. It was decent. Nothing spectacular. Since I had swam the day before, my shoulders were quite tired, but I ended up doing 2350 yards.

After lagging around a bit at home, I finally got out on the road at 10am. I can tell when I prepare myself mentally before a huge ride. It makes a HUGE difference. I was ready to go. I did the same route I did the last long ride, but cut out the loop through Arlington. It ended up working out perfectly for my time. About 30 miles before arriving back home, I made my last stop at a small gas station in Moscow, TN. The name should give it away. I always get stares walking into a little gas station in my riding gear. And I ALWAYS get asked "Is that your bike out there?" or "Have you been riding?" The smartass in me wants to say "Nope, I just like to drive around in bike shoes and a helmet, just in case I see a bike on the side of the road that needs to be's your sign". That's for my dad.

Anyway, this time, not only did I get that question, but I had quite the interesting conversation with the Gas Station attendant. He probably doesn't get out of Moscow much. Went something like this:

Dude: Looks like you've been riding. How far have you gone?
Me: (looking at my Garmin) I'm on mile 60.
Dude: Oh my gosh! Where did you come from?
Me: East Memphis.
Dude: Wow, that's a long way!!

gee you think?

Dude: What are you training for?
Me: An Ironman. 3 weeks in Louisville.
Dude: An Ironman! Don't beat me up!

WTF does that mean?

Dude: So what is your biggest fear?

Is this in general terms? Something like death, spiders, the dark? Or in regards to the race? I'm going to go with biggest fear of the race, because he just asked about it. But seriously, will he even understand what I'm talking about? Should I really get into it? Explain in detail what my actual fear is. Or should I just say something simple and obvious so he'll leave me alone.

(Side Note: By mile 60, I'm apparently really crabby)

Me: Well, I'd have to say my biggest fear will be my nutrition going all wrong and having stomach issues or bonking with a significant part of the race left.

Dude stares at me.

Should have gone with the simple obvious answer...but hey, he asked.

Dude: That's not what I meant!


Dude: What is your worst of the three sports?

That is DEFINITELY not what you asked. Two completely different questions. I'm just going to go with a simple one word answer so I can take my gatorade and leave.

Me: Running.
Dude: Oh, well good luck!
Me: Thanks.

I will NEVER get those 5 minutes back. Ever.

Made it home. I was pretty antsy to get off my bike. I hate that.

The run went pretty well. This was the longest brick I've done so far in this season. I usually just run for 15-20 min off the bike. To get the brick feeling out. So I was a little nervous for this run. Also, by the end of my ride, I was dehydrated, even though I drank a lot of fluids and took 2 thermolytes every hour. I can never win. After laying on my floor (and Junior licking the salt off of my legs) for a good 5 minutes, I knew I had to get out and run.

The run went SO WELL under the circumstances. I felt pretty good. I could have run longer, but didn't want to push my luck. Also, by this point it was nearly 6pm.

I was so happy with this workout. However, I think I'm paying for it now, because I woke up this morning not feeling so hot. Sore throat, headache. I slept all day. Coach gave me today off, and possibly tomorrow. She said its not unusual to get sick about 3 weeks out. You're just past your hardest training and your body is broken down. I figured that's what it is, but I just want to be READY TO GO in 2.5 weeks. I know I will be.


amy said...

I am laughing so hard about your conversation with the guy at the gas station in Moscow!!
...And still feeling like a total loser when I read how hard you work out! Oh my gosh.
Love you!

Mike said...

Congrats on the killer workout. It sounds like you're ready.

Mary Sunshine said...

Hi Robyn,

I've got a bit of sore throat that I'm blaming on allergies...

Take vitamins and fluids and rest as much as possible.

It's funny the people we meet on the road. Be careful out there. I don't want to sound like a mom but there's safety in numbers....and also protection from folks who would take up your time with questions.


chris0721 said...

Great job Robyn...sounds like your training is going really well. Don't forget to get enough sleep and rest. The last 2 weeks is probably the most important part. See you in Louisville.