Does anyone else think this is cool? I used to just get it out of the cabinet and open it...close it...open it...close it...etc. It's just fun.
Cooking with this got old...there's the time it takes to steam the veggies (10-15 min). Sometimes I'd get impatient and end up eating partially cooked frozen veggies. Not good. Then there's cleanup. If you didn't clean right away (which I usually didn't because I was so impatient to eat), then the veggies would dry to the sides of it.
So when I found this product, it was my lifesaver:
What could be easier?? Put frozen veggies in bag. Push buttons on microwave and 3 min later, you have perfectly steamed frozen veggies! Cleanup? Pssh. What cleanup? Just throw it away! I thought nothing would be easier.
Until tonight. Even though the Zip and Steam bags are super easy, sometimes I'd end up putting too many veggies into the bag. There wasn't a great way of eye-balling the amount I was putting in. However, my NEW FAVORITE PRODUCT takes care of that for me:
HOLY MOLY. So now let me get this straight...all I have to do is remove bag from freezer, put in microwave, and open bag? Perfect portion size?! And it takes about half the time as the Zip and Steam bags?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
*Side Note* I'm an easy to please girl...if you can't tell.
So now I'm set for life on vegetables. I highly recommend this product, and to the Birdseye company: When you see a dramatic increase in sales, you can send a cut of the check to me. Thank you.
I think this is an example of "taper madness."
Jus Kidding!
I just purchased stock in Birdseye based on your endorsement. ;-)
There's a Louisville route preview at www.simplystu.com you might want to check out. They go over the entire course and give lots of tips. Good stuff.
Ha! I have the same veggie steamer basket and find myself looking for the "steamfresh" products too! I'll all about making life easy!
um where are our bid numbers? This guy is going crazy!
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