Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Robyn vs. Pomegranate

I lost today. To a fruit. Well, technically in the end I won, but it was a hard fought battle.

I've always wanted to try a pomegranate. I have a thing for exotic fruits, even though I don't know how to eat them. I lost to a mango several months back, but in my defense, I believe I waited too long to cut it and it was just mush in my hands.
I was talking to a client on Monday about fruits and I was telling him how I wanted to try a pomegranate but didn't know how to eat it. He explained it to me and I came home and googled it as well. How did we eat fruit before google? My client told me he'd bring me a POM today (Wednesday) so I was so excited!
Today, I came home and began the battle. You cut the crown off and then score the POM. This is where I tend to have trouble, and where trouble did in fact begin. I probably should have scored it at, say, a place where the membrane was, but no I went right thru the seeds. With a brilliant hue of maroon on the wall, the score was Robyn - 0, POM - 1.
I got it scored (incorrectly, apparently) and put the pieces in a bowl of cold water like google suggested. Walked Junior. Came back and began taking out the seeds. I vaguely remembered google saying something about taking the seeds out UNDERwater (hence the bowl of water) but I disregarded that. Refrigerator and coffee pot are now spattered said shade of maroon. Robyn -0, POM - 3. DAMMIT.
I finally became smarter than the fruit and took the rest of the seeds out underwater. TWENTY minutes later, I had pomegranate carcass all over the counter, maroon splotches all over my hands (Robyn -0, POM - 4), but a de-seeded fruit. FINALLY!! Robyn - 1, POM - 4.
I may have lost the battle, but won the war on POM.

A few tips for next time...set aside a solid 20 minutes for prep and do not wear work shirt. Got it.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

So how good was it? How rewarding were the proverbial fruits of your labor?