For some reason for the past two weeks, I have been tired. Let me rephrase that, for the past two weeks I have been MORE tired than usual. I get it. I'm a triathlete in training, who works odd hours and has a physically demanding job. I'm allowed to be a little rundown. But the past two weeks have been nothing short of ridiculous. Example a. Today, I came home from one early appointment and took a nap, for two hours. I went back to work from 10-12pm, came home, and fell asleep AGAIN for an hour and a half. Even then I had to drag myself out of bed, mostly because I was hungry.
Today, I took things into my own hands and googled "reasons for fatigue". Google has all the answers, right? I'm sure to find a reason for my extreme fatigue. So here is a list I compiled from a website as to why I may be tired:
Anemia. -I've been tested and retested since high school. Unless this is something you develop overnight, I'm not sure this is it.
Stress. -I can blame some fatigue on this, but really? My job is NOT stressful. It pretty much goes like this: Hi I'm Robyn, your personal trainer. Lift this. Lift it again. Repeat. Keep going. You get the idea.
Depression. -Don't we all suffer from a little depression? Ok, yeah the holidays are upon us and with the onset of winter, it tends to get a little worse, but again, this was an overnight change in fatigue levels.
An eating disorder. -Only if you count "I eat what I see so don't get in my way" as an eating disorder....
Obesity. -Well, according to the BMI, I am considered obese. Maybe I should check into this...
Malnourishment. -See two answers above...definitely not malnourished.
Poor eating habits. -I have my "cheat" days, and yes they may be more frequent than they should be, but I still get my 3-5 servings of fruits and veggies, which is more than apparently 90% of Americans can say. I read in Time this week that's the percentage of Americans that can't remember the last time they had a salad. SERIOUSLY?
Underactive thyroid. -I feel as though the thyroid is a scapegoat these days. When I have 3/5 clients tell me they have a thyroid problem, I begin to wonder. No, you cannot blame your holiday weight gain on your thyroid. Nice try.
Certain medications. -I know this becomes an issue sometimes, especially with allergy medications. This could be part of the cause, but I have had no changes in medications lately.
Infection. -Of what? Well, I do work at a gym with an average of 7,000 members. I'm probably infected with way more than I'd like to admit. BLARG.
Low blood pressure. -I actually am probably the only person in my family that can even admit to this. I do tend to have lower blood pressure than normal, but not low enough to make me incredibly sleepy.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. -I've been saying for years I have this. I'm still blaming it on CFS.
Financial worries. -HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Enough said.
Environmental pollution. -I do live in Memphis. Memphians are not necessarily #1 in caring about the health of the environment.
Hormonal changes. -Well, I'm not going through puberty, pregnancy, or menopause, so I certainly hope this isn't it.
Caffeine abuse. -Fatigue + caffeine = only slight fatigue. Fatigue + coffee + energy drink = energy, for at least a little while! Ok, I admit this one....
Lack of exercise. -Not even touching this one.
Divorce. -Not as of this time. I hope not in the future either (Boys, take note).
Small children. -Small dog, yes. Small children, no.
Certain illnesses. -That's a little too general for me. I'm going to go with no.
So basically, what I've come up with from Dr. Google is I am a stressed, obese, broke, caffeine addicted dog owner suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Damn. It's worse than I thought.
I give myself less than a week to live.
1 comment:
Oh no, don't believe everything that you read! You are a caring, compassionte dog owner, awesome triathlete, and super cool chick!!
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