Monday, January 5, 2009

Things I think of on a run

Last night I ran. Literally, it was dark. Maybe not the best idea I've ever have, considering I do live in Memphis. But I did. And I survived. So here are some random thoughts from my run:

-It is very peaceful to run at night.
-I hope I don't get mugged.
-This new sports bra is kind of tight.
-At least my ta-ta's aren't bouncing everywhere.
-I can't see my freakin' Garmin unless I keep pressing the start button so my light turns on.
-I think I should have done this run earlier in the week like it was scheduled.
-I can't wait to put my compression socks on.
-I feel fast, but am slow.
-The weather isn't too bad.
-Yay! Time to turn around.
-Ok, apparently I had a tailwind before because now I'm freezing.
-Am I done yet?
-I feel pretty good still, though I'm still going slow.
-That smells...I hope I didn't step in whatever died back there.
-I can't wait to eat.
-Oh! I love this song.
-I wonder what Junior is doing.
-Almost's getting colder!
-*(%!#@ It's raining!
-Get me home now!
-Yeah thanks dude who just stared at me in the car...I am crazy.
-Well, while I'm up here might as well get the mail.
-SHITE its raining harder now.
-And my cooldown just turned into a sprint to get to my building!!!
-Done...and done.

And that's how a 5 mile run goes.


Doris said...

Funny what you think when you run in the dark!... on the Garmin front, if you're using the 305 you can set it up so the back light comes on and stays on with one press.... which means it stays on for the entire run :O)

Setting, General, Display...

amy said...

I'm setting a goal for myself to accompany you on one of those runs at some point when I lose about 50 more pounds and get in much better shape! How 'bout it?! ;)
Who am I kidding?? That is crazy talk!
I enjoyed catching up on your blog today!