Sunday, September 30, 2007

T - 335 days!!

I can't believe it.....I officially registered for IRONMAN LOUISVILLE 2008!!! Thanks to my amazing sister, who let me put it on her credit card until I raise all the money!!! Ok, so things going through my head at this moment:

1. I'm going to yack.
2. I need a new bike...scratch that, WANT a new bike.
3. How many gels and clif bars will it take to get me to August 31 2008??
4. I am going to need all my friends and family's support for the next 336 days (including post race "take care of Robyn" day)
5. As scared as I am....I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!

I just want to thank everyone who is going to donate money to the cause, as well as all the support I know will be there from friends and family. So....stayed tuned over the next year or so to keep up with my training!!! Thanks again everyone!!!!



Mike said...

Congrats on signing up for IM Louisville 08. Only 335 days of pain. I mean 336. Maybe 337. Good luck.

Julie said...

Yay!! I'm excited you took the leap! You will be great!