Friday, May 9, 2008


The title of this blogs describes my last 24 hours.

So you remember how I didn't get the job that I pretty much thought I had? Well, I'm beyond over it.
I applied to approximately 735 jobs on Monday (give or take) and have/had 3 initial interviews set up. One was yesterday (we'll get back to that), one next Thursday, and one yet to be scheduled.

Next Thursdays is for a teaching position at a personal training school in Columbus, OH. While this sounds like a job I'd really like, it's in Columbus, OH. Need I say more? If it were the only job that I could get, then I'd be more excited about it.

The interview yet to be scheduled is for a position here in town at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. It's for an exercise specialist, where I'd be exercise testing various populations. This is very similar to what I've been doing for the past two years getting my masters. I'd get to work with a former grad student from Memphis that just graduated last year. Again, this sounds pretty cool. I could do it.

BUT- yesterday's interview, if you read the previous blog post, was for the place in the Florida Keys. It's at a Wellness Center and I'd be an exercise specialist, though for this job, its a bit closer to personal training in special populations. Plus, its in the KEYS! I know my mom is probably like "Robyn, there's more to a job than location". And I agree. This job sounds so great for me. I'm not going to go into details, but it includes just about everything I need (i.e. BENEFITS...mother...). This morning, I came in to work to see I had an email from them asking me to come down for a personal interview! Sounds more like a vacation to me....kidding. Hopefully in the next couple weeks (once Memphis in May is over), I'll be heading down to check it out. I think they really like me (I mean, who wouldn't? Kidding, again). So please pray that either this job, or another one for that matter, works out for me.

If you need me, I'll be here:


Iron Jayhawk said...

If you get that job, you'll take visitors from Chicago....RIGHT!?

Holy crap. I wanna go to Key West.

I'm jealous.

And I'm excited to see how this all pans out for you. :) We're pulling for ya!

tri2fnsh said...

that's what I'm saying...I'll only pray you get it, if I can come visit! ;-)

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

Hi Robyn! I found your blog through Liz's. I'll be at MIM this weekend, I'm also doing the Kansas 70.3, and Ironman Louisville! I live in Little Rock, AR, but I'm from Pennsylvania. Columbus, Ohio is great! Maybe I'll meet you this weekend, among the other 2,100 triathletes!