Monday, May 5, 2008

Long Ride by the Numbers

Saturday's Long Ride

Miles Traveled = 69.77
Hours Ridden = 4:38
Estimated number of leg rotations = 23,630
Ounces of drink consumed = 90-ish
Gels consumed = 4
Bars consumed = 1
Salt tabs consumed = 3
Dead snakes = 5
Dead turtles = 2
Dead possums = 2
Dead frogs = 3
Dead armadillos = 1
Dead birds = 6 (one just looked like it fell straight out of hadn't been hit or anything!)
Chicken wings (yes, like one you get at BW3's) = 1
Number of squirrels attempting suicide by running in front of my bike = 4
Times I repeated "I love my Coach. I Love Ironman" = 2
Times I wondered who I would call if I crashed 25 miles from my house = 7
Number of sunburnt shoulders = 2
Number of hours babysat on Saturday alone = 9 (not good for recovery)