Friday, May 16, 2008

New Year's Resolution (starting May 16th)

I came up with my New Year's Resolution today. You see, because Nass and her Mom are staying with me for the next two days, and because my parents will be seeing this apartment for the first time (and I move out in two months, maybe less...ha!) I had to clean my room, bathroom, living room, and kitchen.

What's that? Why am I complaining about this? Well, because it took me TWO DAYS to do it all. Why is that you ask? Simply because I SUCK at keeping up with cleaning. I'm so much happier, and even sleep better, when my room is clean. However, when training and life takes over, and all I want to do is come home and rest/recover, cleaning is the last priority. Also, because I only share a room with Junior, who doesn't seem to mind the mess and may actually prefer it, there's no one else to bother.

So back to yesterday and today. I tackled the kitchen first. After 3 loads of the dishwasher, wiping down counters, and mopping the floor, it looked fantastic. The reason the kitchen is such a mess is because my roommates and I are constantly in and out, and sometimes there's just no time to empty the dishwasher, thus dishes pile up. Since I'm the one home most of the time, I end up cleaning up. If I get behind on it, then the kitchen gets disgusting.

Next was the living room. This didn't take long to pick up, but then the vacuuming...OH MY GOSH. I started by emptying the vacuum cleaner. By the time I finished just vacuuming the living room, it was COMPLETELY full again. One word: Disgusting.

Next, today, was my room and bathroom. It was crunch time. Nass and her mom will be here in an hour and a half, so I stayed home from work today to get it done. I knew it'd be a big project. Throughout the day I did laundry...about 4 loads. And I even folded them, too! Sometimes, I'm good about doing laundry, but then clean clothes sit in a basket and I pick them out of there for the week :) I finally cleaned up, dusted, swept, and I could see my floor! Junior took part in his ritual back scratch in the middle of the floor right after I swept (I still love him).

Next, was the bathroom. First, I had to pick up the erupting volcano coming out of my closet that are my dirty clothes. I cleaned everything, including the shower, which still had dirt prayed up the walls from Junior's "rolling in the mud fiasco" of last week.

Finally, the place smelled of clean. A sigh of relief. And now I wait. For what? For Junior to pull toys out. For Junior to bring sticks in without my knowledge and mulch my floor. For a huge air mattress to cover my floor while Nass and her Mom are here. But, until all that happens, I am content. And my New Year's Resolution is to keep my room like this. I swear I will try this time. Because it takes so much longer to clean like this, and you have to miss work. Good thing I don't have a real job yet. They probably don't understand staying home to clean.

Oh yeah, T - 1 day until Memphis in May!!!!

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