Thursday, May 15, 2008

T - 2.5 days and counting

2.5 days until MIM! I'm so excited! I have had a very weird week for me. I have been in and out of the office due to interviews. Yesterday, I was at St. Jude for 8 hours...interviewing. Who has an interview for 8 hours!?! It was a long day, but completely worth it. In a nutshell (look, I'm in a nutshell! That was for you Court), it sounds like this job would ROCK. Plus it would put me in a good spot to get my PhD in a few years. So, best case scenario, I'll have to choose between this job and the Florida job. Please say some prayers!!

Needless to say, after being on my feet for 8 hours yesterday, mentally exhausting myself, and to the point where I was tired of talking, I came home, took my bike to get worked on (thanks Bike's Plus for staying late to work on it!) and came home and collapsed. I fell asleep for 90 minutes and woke up wondering what day it was. Those are the best naps! But, that meant I didn't get my quick run and bike in. Coach wasn't mad, she said I could benefit from the rest. Today I will swim and do yesterday's run. I'll probably jump on my bike for a few minutes, just to check out the improvements! Then, I'll clean as tomorrow Nassly and her mom are coming to stay with me for the race!

I have quite the busy weekend, looking something like this:

Thurs: "work"; swim; pick up bike; run; bike; CLEAN
Fri: "work"; babysit; welcome Nass and her mama; (off day of training)
Sat: go to race site, pick up packet; swim, bike, and run at race; drive course; possibly babysit for a few hours; church; welcome parents to Memphis; pack for race; EARLY TO BED
Sun: Wake up super early..........RACE!!!!! ; Graduation party! ; Collapse

So, if you don't hear from me until after the race, that is why. Plus, all I really have to talk about at this point, is the race!!!

Good luck to everyone racing here on Saturday and Sunday, and to all my friends racing in other states. It seems like this is a huge race weekend!

1 comment:

runningtwig said...

Good luck this weekend!

FYI - I went to see Pam at Bodymechanix and she was great. I put that you referred me, so you get a discount next time. Thanks for the referral!