Wednesday, June 11, 2008

TAG! Running Q and A

I was tagged by Corky...and since I have nothing to do at work until I go swim in about 20 min, what a way to kill time!

1. How would you describe your running 10 years ago? Let's see, 10 years ago I was 14...and I didn't run. Ever. Actually I didn't run until about 2 years ago. So 10 years ago, Robyn and Running never EVER occured in the same sentence. Unless it was something to the effect of "Robyn was running away from a killer bee".

2. What is your best and worst run/race experience? Best and worst run experience are actually the same...go figure. It was last year during my first olympic distance tri, Memphis in May. I ran the whole run (10k) which was the longest I had ever run non stop. I was so proud of myself!! The bad part, you ask? Well, I competed on a stress fracture, and officially at the end of the race my leg was broken. Basically I couldn't stop running or I would have never started was a wee bit painful. No one said athletes have common sense.

3. Why do you run? I'm going to have to agree with Corkster on this one: because we have to. Running is the most difficult for me, and it's really not that fun (unless you have a good run day). Although it is difficult, and most of the time I don't like it...I do enjoy getting better at it. Seeing how much I've improved in the past few years is kinda worth it.

4. What is the best or worst piece of advice you've been given about running. Best piece of advice: tuck your butt under (thanks Coach). Worst piece of advice: why don't you try running a 5k?

5. Tell us something surprising about yourself that not many people would know. I'm pretty sure everyone knows just about everything about me. And I don't want to get too crazy with this question, because my mom reads my blog :)

6. Tag Somebody. Meg H., RunningJayhawk, OutofShapeGuy, Seth, MarySunshine, Jen in Budapest, ALISSA!

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