It was my biggest training week of the entire IM training (19.5 hours) and I....BLEW.....IT.
In the past few months, I have had so many ups and downs of job hunting, and I've traveled A LOT...well, a lot for me. I think it all finally caught up to me.
My motivation is MIA. Physically, my body is doing really well. My legs are recovering rather nicely after long workouts, and *knock on wood* no injuries. Not too many aches and pains.
I've always been very good at staying motivated. At KU, I was always the one my teammates turned to when they needed some motivation, or just a good uplift to get them through. Now, however, training solo for an Ironman is proving to be very difficult. This is a whole different area than I've ever experienced. And it's HARD. Physically...mentally....you name it.
I sent coach a long email yesterday when I got back from my 7.5 hour workout-turned 2.5 hour workout. That is, after I cried in the shower :) She wrote me back: You're training for an IM. It's not supposed to be easy. But know what - Ironman requires you to really DIG DEEP and be tougher. It will be a LONG day out there and you will need to fight your head for 140.6 miles. Your body will do it. But your head will say...maybe not. So, I want you to try chalk this past week up as a lesson learned and move on.
My coach is AWESOME. So very understanding, but also knows when I need a swift kick in the a$$. This will, I will rest hard. I'm very good at resting. Next week I will jump right back into being motivated and be ready for the final push to the race. 5 weeks from yesterday...it's coming up!
Also, after today, I will be able to share JOB NEWS. That's right...soon, I will no longer be a professional bum.
darn tootin' IM training is tough...especially solo! You're doing great, and you'll be great at the IM...just a few more weeks and you'll wish for it all to be back! :-) Hang in there, sis-tah!!!
Hey Girlfriend!
So yah, my motivation is also MIA! The only thing I can think about is soon it will be over! Lets get it done girl!
You know each little piece that you put in does add up. Don't be so hard on yourself if your legs and body are holding up you are going to do great. Really!
When it is all said and done you are going to miss it dearly.
Hi Robyn,
Can you stop training solo? Make a committment to meet a group ride or run and just show up and then them pull you through mentally.
Or ask a friend to drop you and your bike off somewhere 60 miles away with only a few bucks for water and a cell phone so you HAVE to ride home.
Little tricks.... it's really all mental. Your body is trained and will do fine. The head is the tough thing...I know. I'm there, too. struggling.
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