Just have not been in the blogging mood as of late. Way too much stress (
tri related). Still no job..though I'm searching like crazy. I'm going to Baltimore on Monday and Tuesday for an interview at the VA hospital. I get to see my sister! We'll see how that goes.
Other than that, training has been AWESOME this week. I've hit all my time goals (besides swimming...I always get my workouts done before the scheduled time). AND everything has felt really good. I've accepted the fact that I'm not fast, but I can do the distances no problem. Ok, maybe ask me that when I am on my 8 hour ride on Saturday....I may tell you differently. I usually quit the sport a few times when I'm on a workout longer than 5 hours.
Junior got groomed today...he looks STUPID. I hate it. Can't wait for it to grow out. They cut his tail, and I don't know why they did that. I love his fluffy long tail. Oh well, it'll grow back. And I'm sure he feels much better with nearly a pound less hair in the Memphis heat.
Here's a picture of him:
Also I was in Vegas last weekend for a conference. Good times with all my people from school. Here's some pics:
Brian showing me how he can
successfully make it through a conference without rupturing a tendon in his thumb. And that creepy guy in the background is one of his best friends. :)

My love Andy who is now at Ball State...and why do I STILL have man arms???
I also met a professor from Edith Cowan University (Perth, Australia) who had told me I can come study under him. He does triathlon and endurance (cycling) research. His latest studies have to do with the benefits of cold water immersion (i.e. ice bath post long workout)...he didn't need to spend money on that...I could have told them how much ice baths ROCK.
Anyway, he told me that I'd be very competitive in getting the international scholarship for the 2009 school year. So I'm actively pursuing beefing up my vita and applying. It's all in God's hands...wherever He wants me, I will go.
That is all for now.
Oh, love the ice baths on these old knees.
Y'all know about "shrinkage", right?
Hi Robyn,
So much to think about out there on the long training sessions....
Ya know, not many coaches advise doing 8 hr rides to get ready for an IM....so you are likely in LOTS better shape than most of the field. You'd better be packed for Kona!!!
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