Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm alive

Bear with me....LOTS going on...well actually no, that's the problem. There isn't a lot going on....


Andrea said...

HEY Robyn!
I just signed up to volunteer with bodymarking at IM Louisville! Maybe I'll see you there. The KC Multisport girls are really looking forward to it.

Mary Sunshine said...

I actually do sorta live under a rock...buried in my own self-absorbed world...but I am sorry to hear about Kansas.

You will be fine for IMLou. Congrats on your very long riding!

If you are planning to do a course recon and want to join me on 7/26 or 8/9, please let me know. I'm headed down to Louisville to crank out the entire course and practice fueling etc.

Keep Smiling!