Thursday, November 29, 2007

T - 2 days

In a few hours, I'll head down to the expo to pick up my race packet (and partake in some amazing deals on running clothes, hopefully). I must be honest...I didn't think I'd be that excited. I'm running 26.2 miles for pete's sake. Who would get excited about that?

But, as it draws closer, I am getting a little excited. I love racing. Competing. Anything to do with it. From packing up bags the night before (Court, remember teaching Ash all about packing, and repacking our transition bags at Halfmax???) to driving there to waiting for the gun to go off. Its so incredibly exciting! Maybe that's why I only lasted a WEEK after finishing my 17 year diving career until I joined a new team.

I also swam last night. It was only a 1500, but I really didn't want to overdo it and ruin my race taper. My body performs better with more rest, so I didn't take the chance. It was more of a "get wet" workout...just move around for 30 minutes type of deal anyway.

So, now while I should be going to turn in my thesis (for the 4578932748923rd time) I'm dreaming of Saturday wanting it to come, and then pass quickly...after all, I am running 26.2 miles!

1 comment:

Go Mom Go said...

Have a great race this weekend!
