Friday, November 16, 2007


I know I haven't writte all week, but I have about 78 good reasons as to why. Here's the short of it all, starting with last Friday night...

I leave my boss' house, and I have a flat tire. Neat. He changes it, but since his wife was out of town all weekend, he let me drive around the subaru all weekend, since he didn't want me driving on a spare until Monday (when I could get a new tire). Not a big deal. Well, to make a long story short, when I went to pay for my tired on Monday, my wallet was gone. Not cool. After searching and searching, and cancelling credit cards, turns out the wallet had been riding ON TOP of Leslie's (Boss' wife) car for TWO DAYS. Sunday night, I had gone to Kroger, and I usually set things on top of my car, but I see them before I get in. She has a roof rack, so I didn't notice the wallet. Good thing the roof rack was there, because it prevented my wallet from falling off the car!!! SO CRAZY. She drove around for two days in MEMPHIS of all places, and no one took it and it didn't fall off. Thank you Lord for that one.

Then, Wednesday I had my thesis defense! Finally. I was so stressed out. The presentation went great, but the questions afterwards were a little tough. I get very flustered and nervous when I don't know what's coming at me. They sent me out of the room to discuss if I passed or not. Well, I did. After the rest of the committee left the room, my boss was talking to me and I just started crying! I wasn't happy or sad, just so stressed! I didn't know what else to do! Brian said "why are you crying?! You passed!!!" It was crazy. So just some finishing touches today, then I get to turn it in only to receive more changes! Oh how I love it.

Anyway, it's been a crazy crazy week, and I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend this weekend. After our "dress rehearsal" run tomorrow, of course! The 6-mile course. Yeah. So excited! (Sarcasm). I'm just ready to race!!!

1 comment:

tri2fnsh said...

You poor gal! I know that feeling of the stress feels kinda good though, huh? So glad you found your wallet!
Hang in're soooo close to the big race!