Friday, March 7, 2008

I'll be waiting

I'm just going to say it: I'm a rockstar today. I've been having pretty frustrating training this week and finally today I had a great run! My shins have been bothering me, and I had NO pain today. That was a positive all by itself. But also, it was pretty cold outside..right at freezing. That's not so bad, but add on 30 mph winds, and you've got yourself a good time.

Not only that, but it was SNOWING. Yes snowing in Memphis. But it wasn't just was like small pieces of sharp ice blowing into my face at 30 mph. I'm pretty sure my face was bleeding. The bad thing was, I slightly overdressed so I was sweating. I think that made me colder.

But I felt GREAT. The whole time. I could have ran for hours. I didn't want to over do it, so I only added 5 minutes to my run. The awesome thing is, though, on my way back, a great song came on my ipod (can't remember what it was now, though) and I was running at a pretty fast pace for me, at a low HR, and I felt awesome. I felt like I was flying. I just had to smile and thank God for all he has given me.

I thought about all the people that wouldn't have chosen to train outside today. They probably thought "it's far too cold". On top of that, I got numerous stares at people thinking "That girl is CRAZY". Considering I was the only person out running, I guess I can see their point. Well, to all those athletes who chose the treadmill instead of outside, and to all those drivers who only wished they could be doing what I was: I'll be waiting at the finish line as you finish after me.

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