Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bike fit

Once again I'm still alive. Just been super busy. Although I feel like I've gotten nothing is this possible?!

Training...let's see. Its been going pretty well. I felt amazing in the water yesterday. Very fresh. My run on Monday didn't go so hot. I was having asthma problems, and only ran a terribly slow 40 minutes instead of a good 1:30 long run. Oh well, coach says its ok for now.

I got fitted for my bike yesterday! Finally! I've had the thing for 2 years and never got properly fit for it. I learned so much. First off, I'm too tall for my bike. Neat. We tried to work around that as best as possible by making small changes everywhere else. So short of getting my legs shortened, which was mom's idea because it would be covered by insurance and therefore cheaper than buying a new bike (???????), I will have to make due with the changes made. I bought a new saddle because my sit bones are 155mm apart, and the widest part of my saddle I had was 143mm, or something ridiculous like that. So that explains why I wanted to cry every time I got off my bike, no matter the distance! Numerous other changes were made and all in all I'm much happier than I was. I rode this morning and it was pretty solid! I'm hoping it will increase my power output, too. We'll see how it goes for a few weeks and from there I'll have to figure something out. So if anyone wants to buy me a bike, email me and I'll tell you where to ship it ;) If I do not end up getting a new bike, then I'm definitely going to buy new peddles. Definitely.

Other than that, I'm tired, hungry, and a little sore. So....normal day. Peace out for now.


amy said...

This has nothing to do with your post, but you have no idea what kind of impact you had on the women in bible study today. Thanks for your encouragement!

Mike said...

I had a bike fit last fall, and the changes have helped a lot. You might lose a little speed while you get used to the changes - I did - but in the end it will be worth it and you'll be faster.

Good job with the training. It looks like you're doing a lot...4200 yards in the pool, 90 minute runs...keep it up.