Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What the....?

Last night, I came home and Junior was extremely excited to see me, per the usual. When he's excited and hyper, he'll grab something and run around the apartment trying to get me to chase him. It can be anything: a sock, a bone, a ball, underwear, etc. Doesn't really matter, but he does have a knack for grabbing things that seem to be somewhat important....then he knows it'll get my attention for sure!

Usually, I don't mind and give in and play: "Oh Junior, you don't know how badly I want to chase you around the apartment just to get that disgusting bone you've been chewing on for weeks! Here I come!!"

So, when he proceeded to play the chase game, I thought, alright, I'll let him bait me for a second. But then I was so hungry, I didn't want to chase and I just wanted to make my dinner. Well, Junior didn't like this. He jumped around, ran at me, trying to get me to chase him. Finally, I thought "He must have something pretty important if he's continuing to do this".

And so the chase began.

I got smart and decided to try to barter with a treat. Well, he wanted no part of that! Because what he had was so much better: dirty, slightly crispy, and most important of all - Mom wanted it back.

Eventually, his dog instincts kicked in and it was like I was holding a large steak...Junior thought "TREAT!!!!" And he dropped the thing he had been ripping apart. And there it was:

I no longer want to claim this dog because I would NEVER condone ruining money. Even if it was a dollar. Alas, I woke up this morning to two large, brown puppy dog eyes and I couldn't help but laugh :)

1 comment:

tri2fnsh said...

now that's pretty funny! Especially the comment about wanting to chase him around to get the disgusting thing he's been chewing on! :-) I can SOOOOO relate!