Monday, April 21, 2008

Body vs. Mind

It's finally hot in Memphis. I'm not excited that it went from late winter to summer in a week. Spring is my favorite time of year, and I think I slept thru it.

Saturday was my longest ride of the season so far: 4 hours. How did it go, you ask? TERRIBLE. First off, my nutrition plan was off from the get go. I won't get into details, but it was completely my fault. Secondly, during my 3rd hour, I went south, and the fourth hour was coming back north. I felt GREAT the 3rd hour...because apparently I had a 15 mph tail wind. Which means....I had a 15 mph headwind coming back during the 4th hour. I cursed the wind, myself, my coach, the earth, Ironman in general-the whole time. I was almost driven to tears twice, simply because my legs were on fire and I was averaging 11 mph the whole last hour. I think I quit triathlons 3 times, and, in the words of Coach...broke up with my bike about mile 42. I ended up going just under 60 miles, which I wasn't happy with, but its miles in the bank. I ran 10 minutes off the bike...well actually 9, and my legs were screaming the whole time. Not fun.

Today wasn't much better. Like I said, its finally hot. I think I woke up to 75 degrees. 75 degrees is awesome, unless you have a 1:45 run scheduled. My mind was ready to go. I was super motivated to go run! However, my body/legs thought otherwise. I just felt SO SLOW. The more my mind told my body to "move!", the more it resisted. I think I averaged around an 11:30 min/mile. TERRIBLE. The longer I ran, the better I felt, but I was still miserable. The good news is my nutrition plan was really good after the fiasco on Saturday.

I just wish my body would cooperate! I'm hoping after tomorrow's easy 1:30 recovery spin, I'll be ready to go Wednesday with my swim and run.

Also...the great news is that I met an April goal! I not only met my training time for the week...I surpassed it by 10 minutes! 12 training hours last week, and 11 this week. Doesn't sound like much, I know, but when your body and mind are currently in a fight and are not speaking, it makes things a lot more difficult.

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