Friday, April 18, 2008

Going the extra mile 100 yards

Wednesday was a swim day. I had 3150 yards planned. What if I told you I added an extra 100 yards? Not impressive? What if I then told you that I added 100 yards of no breath fly? That's what I thought.

It was superfly day! 500 total yards of fly, and also some IM. What's even crazier is that I asked for it. Swimming is my strength so I feel like I should kick my own a$$ in the pool. I was tired, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. So after my 2x25 no breath fly...I decided to add four more on, just because.

Then I went home and thought "Before I tackle my paper, I'm going to lay down for 30 minutes". Two hours later, I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in, drooling. I always know its a good nap when drooling occurs. I must have turned off my alarm, too. Then, as I was eating dinner, the arm I was holding my bowl with started shaking from fatigue. Either the salad was denser than I thought, or the superfly was coming back for revenge.

Yesterday, clearly not recovered from superfly day, I had a 1:05 run scheduled. Apparently the devil is messing with me this week, because I misestimated my run course and ended up running 1:15. Again, an extra ten minutes isn't necessarily bad, but when you're tired and hurting, and extra ten minutes might as well be an extra 10 hours. Luckily I had grabbed an extra gel "just in case"...good thing. I may still be passed out on the trail otherwise.

Last night I was so proud of myself. I came home from class and all I wanted to do was eat and sleep. I had a 30 min recovery spin planned. I knew I had to do it. Only 30 min! So I called my sister and talked to her the whole time while I spun.

Remember my April goal of doing every minute of workouts planned (unless the swim takes me less time)? So far for the week, I'm +10 minutes! Due to the extra run yesterday ;)

YAY for me! 4 hour ride + 20 min run tomorrow. Looking forward to it!


tri2fnsh said...

good work, Robyn! Keep it up. I did my first (I think) ever 3500 yd swim. Wahoo. My arms were pretty jelly-like by the end, but not as bad as I would've thought!

Jen in Budapest said...

Keep it up Robyn! Great work. I am following a much simpler, almost sissy version for training on this sprint tri. I hope come race day it really pays off. Sometimes a 20 minute run just sounds weak. Oh well. When is your next race? have a great Saturday.


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Iron Jayhawk said...

Showoff. :)

jk. You know I love ya! When do you get into Lawrence in June?