Wednesday, January 9, 2008

2 down, 1 to go

Well, I had my bike test tonight. First off, my swim test went really well! I ended up holding a 1:22 pace for the 10 100's....not too bad for a diver, eh? So back to the bike, I had to do a warm up and then 20 minutes all out in my big ring holding between 80-95 rpms. No problem, right? First off, ALL OUT (in all caps) scares me. If you want me to go all out, I'll do a wingate test and hurl in the garbage can (little exercise science humor it if you so choose). So this test is teaching me to pace myself. Take my "attack!!!" personality and change it to "pace pace pace (but still go fast)". That's kind of hard to do, but I know it'll pay off in the end!

So I turned on what everyone watches while they ride their bike: MTV. Those crappy shows are so entertaining! Did my warm up and got going. The first few minutes flew by! This isn't bad! Or so I thought. Then minutes 6-17 happened. Of course the last few weren't bad because I knew I was almost done. I kept pushing though. The only thing is, I wonder if I could have pushed harder? I didn't want to blow up in the first 5 minutes. (Remember the ATTACK!!! personality?) But research shows that one familiarization session is satisfactory for taxing exercise tests. So hopefully next time, I'll know more of what to expect and can push a little harder. Man, I'm such an exercise science dork! My coach already sent me my HR zones to train with, so I'm pretty excited to use that, and not just ride to ride and run to run.

In other news, I've been really job searching lately. I found a few "perfect" jobs, but some I have just contacted, asking if its too early to apply and I have phone calls/emails into other as well. Can't someone just pay me to nap? I'm good at that. I'll even throw in a little exercise and cleaning here and there. For myself though. Is that too much to ask? Don't answer that.....

*Random story of the day*
My boss made me go to the faculty meeting, where I was the only graduate student in the place! I soon figured out why. He needed someone to make funny remarks and comments to during the whole thing! Alright, I'll be that "guy". After all, I'm in a heavily male-populated field.....

1 comment:

Go Mom Go said...

Whew! You are a fast swimmer! great job!

I was an exercise science dork a long time ago. Did I ever tell you I got my BS from Ball State in Exercise Science? Now, so much has changed...I guess I am just getting old!

Keep it up! You are definitely rocking!