Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blood, Sweat, & Tears......and puke.

I'm feeling it. The increase in my training. Even though its only by an hour to hour and a half per week, it feels like 5! Not only that, but school is starting next week, and I actually HAVE to go to classes this semester....jeez! That's the only drawback to having my thesis finished....THE ONLY.

I've been email chatting with my coach for about an hour and we discussed:

1. my body fat percentage - classmate took it today and I'm not super happy with it, BUT I know it'll go down with all my training.

2. Including a monthly Wingate test - with access to all this fantastic testing equipment, why not use it? So that'll be fun...hurling every month = guaranteed.

3. Some new workouts my coach is sending out tomorrow, guaranteed to make me cry. YAY!

So needless to say I'm pretty excited.....??? Yes that's it...EXCITED. No I'm definitely taking a more positive approach to everything (more so than usual) because that's the only way I'm going to make it thru everything in the next 8 months (Ironman, graduating, getting a big girl job, etc.) Last night I started reading "The Purpose Driven Life", a 40-day journey (1 chapter a day) that answers the question "Why am I here?" I'm really excited. I hope I figure out that I'm here to win the lottery and be a professional triathlete. Kidding. But that would be sweet....

Well, I'm off to the pool to kick my own a$$. Theme of the really. So here's to blood, sweat, and tears.....................and yacking.....

1 comment:

tri2fnsh said...

Sounds like you're just plugging right along, Robyn! Keep it up!