Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Enough already!

I'm kinda sick of the rain. I do not enjoy how we had a total of, what, 3 days of fall? That's it? Come on Memphis!

Ran in the rain last night. This is pretty much verbatim of how it went.

Had to run a one mile test...basically go as fast and as hard as you can, without dying (still have energy left at the end). After a longer warmup, I was ready. Of course, mind you, it was like 50 degrees and rainy..not enough the steady type of rain, but that annoying and cold misty rain. I'm over it. So, I start the one mile run. I was going HR was probably about 85% of max...I thought to myself... "This has to be a world record mile run!!! I'm going so fast!" Not to mention, I felt like yacking the whole time because I was anaerobic for so long.

When I got to the end, I looked down at my split time only to be extremely disappointed... 9:04!!!!!! WTF?!?!?!? I swore I was going a 7:30 mile. DANG. That was disappointing. Oh well...guess it gives me a goal for next time? Like, to shave off two minutes?! Is that possible???

Also, check out the funniest commercial on T.V. right now...I can't stop laughing at it!!

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