Saturday, October 6, 2007

A long run with Sponge Bob.

Three things I realized by 9am:

1. (5:45 am) One of the top three reasons I race ridiculous distances is simply for the sticker to put on my car....because you can never have too many ridiculous distance stickers, or RDS's for short.

2. (8:00 am) I find myself finishing a 12 mile workout solo, and also find myself with the "Sponge Bob Squarepants" themesong on repeat in my head, but only one line of it: "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea SPONGE BOB SQUAREPANTS!!!" Do not ask me where it came from....but for the last 6 miles, that's all I had.

3. (9:15-ish) As I walk...let me re-phrase: SHUFFLE thru Kroger looking for bisquick because I had been craving biscuits since mile 10, I realize that 14 miles ALL on pavement makes you hurt...A LOT. I never thought I'd want to run on trails so badly.

And now for my annual laying around on a Saturday afternoon...

OH SNAP! KU just intercepted the ball against K-State with only 1:12 left...YEAH!!!!! Ok time to watch the domination!

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea.....


Go Mom Go said...

I always get songs stuck in my head. There was one day that I had the Mister Rogers song, "Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood" over and over again!


Life's Not A Sprint... said...

p.s. I had "it's a bright sun shiny day" in my head the whole 50k