Monday, October 22, 2007

What they say is true

I've turned into my mother. Last night, I found myself washing the dishes (while the dishwasher is running with an entire load, mind you) at about 10:30. I had a hand towel draped over my shoulder, which I can picture from my earliest childhood memories of my Mom. I was thinking "Do I need to send out invitations for people to put their dishes in the dishwasher...or empty it when its clean so I don't have to wash dishes at 10:30 at night??" Then it hit me.

Oh God, I've turned into my mother.

This is not a bad thing (I love you Mom - she reads my blog)...I just thought I could be the only female in America to escape this fate....I was wrong.

This late-night dish saga made it all worth it, though, when I woke up to a clean kitchen this morning. I didn't have to scrub last Thursday's breakfast off a spoon before using it. So, I guess I cannot complain that I'm mimicking a woman who raised me right.

I mean, there are worse things. My mom could be a mass murderer who escaped prison to join the circus as the "Bearded Lady"...........


kadooclan said...

Yes, and I can remember seeing my mom with a towel draped over her shoulded doing many numberous things in the kitchen and throughout the house. Hey, you also know the correct way to scrub a kitchen floor also!!!
Love ya, mom

Life's Not A Sprint... said...

I thought I was going to escape fate as well but the more I age the more I turn in to her... shh don't tell Chris!