Friday, October 5, 2007

A message to my gluteus maximus

Dear Gluts,

Yes, we had a hill workout last night. I thought it was going to be worse than it was, but I was surprised. It was not easy, but I definitely expected worse considering how terrible I am at hills, whether it be on a bike or on foot.

This morning, however, I did not appreciate waking up to the sound of "What were you THINKING?! Why don't you just continue to be bad at hills, so we only hurt like this a few times a year?" Well gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus...oh man especially medius...I am standing up and reminding you of all those races where people passed me as I was walking up a hill...and I say:

"NO! I will not stop trying to be better at hills. So deal with it! Suck it up! You are, after all, Mr. Gluteus Maximus, the biggest muscle in the body!! So gather your brothers (Mr. Medius and Mr. Minimus) and help get my ass up those hills!! LITERALLY!!!"


1 comment:

Team Brazo said...

Hi Robyn,

Please send me an e-mail so that I have your e-mail address. Then I'll be able to sign you up as a contributor on
My address is

Look forward to reading your blog and your contributing posts.

Once I have your e-mail address - then you'll get an invite from blogger (me).

Have a great day,
Team Brazo