It was still raining last night, and I had to get my hill workout in. Couldn't save it for today for a few reasons:
A. I would not have done it, because I would have found numerous excuses not to.
2. I have a long run tomorrow and it would have affected that.
Thirdly, Friday is my lounge around day = no run!!
To endurance athletes, and any type of athlete for that matter, I am considered completely normal (see picture below...see, completely normal!) for doing my workout even while rainy and dreary.
But to the "normal" population, those who think "yes, its raining! I don't have to go run!" or those who don't even work out...I am considered completely and utterly INSANE (see below).

Back to last night.... I drove down to Lowe's, only to see very few cars from the MIM run group. Usually, people are there early and run over to the course to get started. I ended up running to the course by myself. Not a big deal. It's 1.25 miles away...really good (LONG) warmup. I noticed only a few water bottles, so there were only a handful of people on the course somewhere. The workout was to run up the big hill, jog back down, run up again, then run around the course where you run up two more hills. We did this twice. So, I ran up the big hill and jogged back down. I felt AWESOME. Almost like I was tapered. My legs were fresh, I had the was great! I guess I'm FINALLY recovered from halfmax...gee only took SIX WEEKS. Ridiculous.
When I got to the bottom of the hill, I found the others who had been out on the course. Too bad they were finished! Luckily, Jack ran the course with me again. It was nice to have someone to run with! The second time up the big hill, it was definitely not as easy as the first, but still not bad. After the first loop, more people had shown up. I ran the second time with Karla.
Long run tomorrow morning! wooooooo!
Way to go. I wish I had a training group that met more than once a week. I was sooo spoiled with my training group in Cali.
Woo hoo! Good job on getting the workout in. Running in the rain is definitely better than riding in it!
Good luck with the long run rain in sight! I have been a lazy endurance athlete... hearing the rain and rolling back over to catch an extra hour of sleep! Let me know about a monday afternoon run!!
It was nice running with you this morning! I was completely underdressed for this particular hill workout (IN THE RAIN) that you blogged about in my shorts and tank top. Guess it's time to invest in some good winter running clothes...
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