Thursday, October 4, 2007

My Personal Top Ten

Robyn's Top Ten Reasons of How You Know You are a Triathlete:

10. 6:30am is sleeping in.
9. You can't remember the last time you went out, mostly because you have an early workout the next morning.
8. A Clif Bar is a perfectly acceptable supplement to Lunch.
7. You feel like you are constantly eating, yet always hungry.
6. You spend more money on a sports bra than a regular bra. Wait, regular bra?
5. You ride to work and knowing you have to ride home, you just wear your bike shorts around all day.
4. When asked what your favorite smell is, you respond "chlorine".
3. Dressing up for you is jeans and a shirt that you do not work out in.
2. You take your bike rack off the car for the winter and think your car now makes you look unathletic.
...and the number one reason:
1. You think about purchasing something (i.e. dress clothes, school supplies, new sheets after your dog chews up a pen and there is ink on them, etc) but you quickly realize what you could buy related to triathlon training, and buy that instead.

Not that I've EVER done ANY of these......

1 comment:

Julie said...

Get ready to add:
"your pinky toe is about to fall off"